Chris Turbiville

Chris Turbiville

Chris Turbiville is the Matt Bellamy (Muse, lead singer) of voiceover and crazy talented, just like like his doppelgänger!

Chris was raised in golden era of voiceover. As the son of an accomplished voice actor Turbiville was dragged from session to audition, studio to production facility. No ISDN nor Source Connect; reels and razor blades were the order of the day. The best of training, no doubt, yet our young Chris rebelled and rejected his lineage and God given gift. Thankfully, the lure of voiceover won him over as he matured and became a man. Man-child, more like it ! ?

Gen-X/Gen-Y, Alt-Pop-Rock to his core, Turbiville has won more six figure gigs than we have clients and wants more radio. It’s where his father started his career and where Chris has set his sights next. Turbiville’s looks are something……but his voice, man it’s so dope you’ll have your audience begging for more branding and less music and commercials.

For rates and availability in your market, please contact [email protected]

Click to listen to voice samples: