Kenny Caughlin

Kenny Caughlin

Kenny “The Hitman” Caughlin has been a full time voice actor since he was 9 years old: long suffering, chin wagging fool. Come on, 9!!! No one stays in the game that long, yet here we are…..killing it, still.

The co-owner of two Caribbean radio stations, when he’s not on air or in the v/o booth you’ll find Kenny “The Hitman” Caughlin carving downhill Super G turns, surfing, working out in the gym or pool. A charmed life this man leads….he works hard and plays hard. Very little down time for this broadcasting legend.

If your Classic Hits, Rock, HOT AC, CHR or NTS stick’s branding is in need of review, Kenny “The Hitman” Caughlin has your number.

For rates and availability in your market, please contact [email protected]

Click to listen to voice samples: