Matt Ruland

Matt Ruland

“BIGG” Matt Ruland (BMR) is terminally unique!

And,….when we say big, we mean……BIG. So big in fact his people added a “G”. Like our boy Biggie……just without the “ie”. Different businesses, same level of talent. REEE-spect!

The BIGG Matt Ruland’s of the world are a dying breed in our business. A true terrestrial radio station creative director; think Chris Corley, Brian James, Keith Eubanks.  No bad mixes in this town.  BIGG Matt’s foundation was built in the radio mecca that is Seattle. Probably the best radio market in the United States. PS…….he left it that way!

After a quality of life move home, BIGG Matt’s been focusing his sights on his voiceover and creative businesses. If your Rock, Country or NTS station needs a face lift, check out BMR. You’ll be thunderstruck by what this man can do with and for your brand.

For rates and availability in your market, please contact [email protected]

Click to listen to voice samples: